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Deep Water Class 12th English Flamingo chapter 3rd Notes and most important question answer


Deep Water Class 12th English Flamingo chapter 3rd Notes and most important question answer

Introduction Of Lesson

  • Deep water opens  the way for all to achieve the impossible.
  • Focusing the target, staying determined and consistent efforts can help to fight the challenges and tough situations of life. 
  • In this chapter he describes how he was nearby drowned in a swimming pool, his fear of water and how he finally overcame that fear.

Important Notes Of The Chapter 

In this chapter writer narrates how he overcame his fear of deep water. this fear had filled his mind due to some childhood incidents. narrator begins his story when he was three or four years old. when he was three or four years old his father took him to the Californian sea beach. A strong wave came and knocked him down. water swept over him. he began to have a terror of deep water.

After some year at the age of ten or eleven years he had decided to learn swimming. He decided to learn swimming at YMCA pool. Pool was safe as it was 3 feet at shallow end, 9 feet at deep end .

Misadventure at Y.M.C.A POOL

Narrator was alone at YMCA pool. He doesn’t want to go alone into the pool, so he waited for others to come. a big boy suddenly came there and he picked the writer up and tossed him into the deeper side of the pool. He went to the bottom end. He used all his strength to spring upwards. he came up slowly. he could see nothing but water.  

He lost his breath. his lungs ached. he was getting dizzy. he tried to cry but no sound came. he went down thrice and thrice he tried to come up. but all his efforts failed. he was paralyzed under water. He jumped with all his force, but his arms wouldn’t move.

When he woke up,  he was lying on his stomach and he was vomiting. The boy who had thrown him said he was ‘only fooling’ but the narrator had nearly died. Several hours later he walked back home. he was weak. he could eat nothing that night. for days, a terrible fear filled his heart. he never went back on the pool. The fear stayed with him for years. It destroyed his fishing trips, boating and swimming. 

Then narrator got an instructor for learning swimming. He practices five days a week. The instructor put a belt around him. Now tension started to disappear slowly. Instructor taught how to put his face under the water and exhale. And then how to raise his nose and inhale. Narrator repeated this exercise for hundred times. Then he learned how to kick with his legs. The instructor’s job was finished.

But he still feared to be alone in the pool. So, he went to lake Wentworth and dived off a dock at Trigg’s island. Now he was happy . Finally, he had conquered his fear of water.

Most important questions for board exams

1- How and when did Douglas develop an aversion to water ?

2- What efforts did Douglas make to get over his fear of water ?

3. How did the instructor make Douglas a good swimmer ?

4. Describe the efforts made by Douglas to save himself from drowning in the Y.M.C.A POOL ?

5. how did Douglas make sure that he had conquered the old terror?


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