Class 12th English ( Flamingo ) Chapter 3rd Deep water MCQ Term- 1

Class 12th English ( Flamingo ) Chapter 3rd Deep water MCQ Term- 1

1] Who is the writer of deep water ?

A- William Douglas
B- Alphonse Daudet
C- Anees Jung
D- Selma Lagerlof

Ans- A

2] This chapter is------

A- a narrative
B- a biography
C- a travelogue
D- an autobiography

Ans- D

3] Name The Pool William Douglas Mentioned In The Chapter.

A- Tieton pool
B- Yakima pool
C- Y.M.C.A. Pool
D- Teanaway pool

Ans- C

4] What revived unpleasant memories to the author ?

A- his introduction to the YMCA swimming pool
B- his introduction to the YMCA college
C- both a & b
D- his introduction to Yakima river

Ans- A

5] What did the author try to learn by aping other boys ?

A- writing neatly
B- Dancing
C- Swimming
D- riding a bicycle

Ans- C

6] How did the author prepare himself for swimming ?

A- with new water wings
B- trying to learn by aping other boys
C- watching other boys
D- all of the above

Ans- D

7] What did the author start feeling after two or three times in the pool ?

A- feel at ease
B- feel fear
C- feel confident
D- nothing

Ans- A

8] Pick out the word which means the same as: ‘misadventure’.

A- event 
B- Accident
C- Episode
D- occurrence

Ans- B

9] Who came to William Douglas at the Y.M. C.A. swimming pool ?

A- the instructor
B- a big bruiser of a boy
C- the owner of Y.M.C.A. pool 
D- no one

Ans- B

10] He was a beautiful ___________ specimen

A- Physical
B- Mental
C- Spiritual
D- both a & b

Ans- A

11] What was true about the other boy ?

A- he had thick hair on his chest
B- he was eighteen years old
C- he was muscular
D- all of the above

Ans- D

12] He tossed Douglas into the pool towards its-------.

A- shallow end
B- Middle
C- Edge
D- deep end

Ans- D

13] Though Douglas was frightened, he was not-----

A- afraid to die
B- going to strive
C- out of his wits
D- able to shout to help

Ans- C

14] When his feet would hit the bottom Douglas planned to-------

A- make a big jump
B- lie down
C- start his stroke
D- float

Ans- A

15] Find out the word which means the same as: ‘pushed under water’.

A- Bruiser
B- rippling
C- ducked
D- wits

Ans- C

16] Pick out the word which means the same as: ‘waved his hands’

A- Paralyzed
B- Flailed
C- Throbbed
D- strategy

Ans- B

17] What did Douglas try to do ?

A- to pull his legs up
B- to pull his arms up
C- to raise his head
D- nothing

Ans- A

18] Who heard Douglas’ screams ?

A- Swimmers
B- People
C- Water
D- his mother

Ans- C

19] What happened with his legs ?

A- they hung as dead weights
B- they got paralyzed
C- they became rigid
D- all of the above

Ans- D

20] What is the meaning of ’thrash’ ?

A- hit with stick
B- hit with force
C- hit with hands
D- hit with legs

Ans- C

21] What had Roosevelt said ?

A- “All we have to fear is fear itself.”
B-  “All we have to fear is fear of death.”
C- “All we have to fear is fear of accident.”
D- “All we have to fear is fear of murder.”

Ans- A

22] Who was Roosevelt ?

A- William Douglas’ friend
B- Ex. President of America
C- an instructor
D- both a & b

Ans- D

23] The Yakima river was ______ 

 A- Killer
 B- haunted
C- Treacherous
D- bouncing

Ans- C

24] Y.M.C.A. stands for------

A- young men’s Christians authority
B- young men’s Christopher association
C- young men’s Christian army
D- young men’s Christian association

Ans- D

25] Where is Yakima river situated ?

A- In Washington, The US city
B- In California, The US city
C- In New Zealand , The US city
D- In Chicago, The US city

Ans- A

26] The author had an aversion to ____ 

A- Water
B- Height
C- depth
D- loneliness

Ans- A

27] How old was the big bruiser ?

A- twelve years
B- fifteen years
C- sixteen years
D- eighteen years

Ans- D

28] “Hi skinny! How’d you like to be ducked”? Who said these words ?

A- the narrator
B- people at Y.M.C.A.
C- the big bruiser
D- narrator’s father

Ans- C

29] What was the depth of the pool at the end ?

A- nine feet
B- seven feet
C- ten feet
D- eight feet

Ans- A

30] What is the story ‘Deep Water speaking about ?

A- fear of people
B- fear of swimming
D- fear of water and the way to overcome it
D- fear of height

Ans- C

31] Where did the writer go when he was 3 or 4 years old in the story ?

A- Washington
B- Canada
C- New Zealand
D- California

Ans- D

32] What is haunting the author ?

A- terrible experience in the pool
B- Ghosts
C- his mother’s words
D- a push by a young boy

Ans- A

33] What were the author’s feelings while drowning in the pool ?

A- terror in fear of death
B- terror in swimming 
C- terror of being pushed
D- none

Ans- A

34] What strategy did the author remember while he was drowning in the pool ?

A- to try to jump and push himself up
B- to shout for help
C- to hold ropes
D- to call the instructor

Ans- A

35] How many times did Douglas try to come to the surface of the pool ?

A- Twice
B- Once
C- Thrice
D- four times

Ans- C

36] What lesson did Douglas learn from his experience of drowning ?

A- learnt swimming
B- love of swimming
C- swimming is not difficult
D- face the fear

Ans- D

37] What was the colour of the pool water when Douglas was in it ?

A- dirty yellow
B- clear blue
C- dirty off white
D- dirty blue

Ans- A

38] Why did Douglas hate to walk with bare legs ?

A- because of ugly looking legs
B- because of fat legs
C- because of skin colour
D- because of skinny legs

Ans- D

39] ‘I flailed at the surface of water ‘. What is the meaning of ‘flailed’ in the sentence ?

A- to strike with
B- to keep
C- to come 
D- to swim

Ans- A

40] What does ‘Deep Water’ signify ?

A- depth of sea
B- Beauty
C- depth of ocean
D- frantic

Ans- D

41] What were the series of emotions and fears that Douglas experienced when he was drowning in the pool ?

A- Confidence
B- Overconfidence
C- Fear
D- mixed feelings of confidence and fear

Ans- D

42] Suddenly Douglas saw light in the water. What did that mean ?

A- some people came with a torch
B- there was a bulb in the water
C- he was coming out of the water
D- he saw light was coming from heaven

Ans- C

43] Why did Douglas cease all efforts ?

A- he felt as if he was going to become unconscious 
B- he did not want to live
C- he wanted to be in the water
D- he was already out of danger

Ans- A

44] What did the boy say to the author ?

A- “I did the wrong thing”
B- “I did the right thing”
C- ”I’ll throw you again”
D- “But I was only fooling.”

Ans- D

45] What are ‘salmon’, ‘trout’ , ‘bass’ ?

A- kinds of boat
B- kinds of fish
C- kinds of swimming techniques
D- all of the above

Ans- B

46] How did the author feel when he walked back to his home after coming into his senses ?

A- his legs were trembling
B- he was sad
C- he was weeping
D- he had temperature

Ans- A

47] Where did the author go in order to overcome his fear of water ?

A- to a sea beach
B- into a well
C- in the same pool where the accident took place 
D- lake Wentworth in New Hampshire

Ans- D

48] How did instructor make Douglas a good swimmer ?

by giving Instructions
by pushing him into the pool
by making him watch others
by using belts and ropes

Ans- D

49] What was stopping Douglas to get into the water of cascades ?

A- memories of California
B- memories of Washington
C- instructions given by his mother
D- memories full of terror in pool

Ans- D

50] What distance Douglas covered while swimming across the lake Wentworth ?

A- four miles
B- three miles
C- two miles
D- one mile

Ans- C

51] How could Douglas know that he was still alive ?

A- his heart beating and head pounding told him
B- his legs were very active which told him
C- he could plan to jump with foot
D- none of the above

Ans- A

52] What did Douglas’ mother remind him ?

A- about the deep YMCA pool
B- about the treacherous Yakima river
C- about the drawings in Y.M.C.A. pool
D- all of the above

Ans- B

53] How old was Douglas when the misadventure took place ?

A- Nine to ten years old
B- Ten to eleven years
C- Eleven to twelve years
D- welve to thirteen years

Ans- B

54] Name the treacherous river mentioned in the chapter ‘Deep Water’

A- Bumping river
B- Thames river
C- Yakima river
D- Teton river

Ans- C

55] Which word does the eighteen year old boy use while bullying the author at the pool side ?

A- Douglas
B- Bruiser
C- Lanky
D- Skinny

Ans- D

56] How long did it take for Douglas to perfect the art of swimmimg ?

A- October to April
B- October to March
C- October to February
D- October to December

Ans- A

57] What do you infer from the line “The instructor was finished” ?

A- He was exhausted
B- He stopped midway
C- He gave up
D- His task was complete

Ans- D

58] How does the author describe going beneath the water the final time ?

A- His head throbbed
B- He was paralyzed with fear
C- His legs felt limp and blackness swept over his brain
D- His lungs ached

Ans- C

59] Which proverb most aptly describes the theme of the story ‘Deep water’ ?

A- Slow and steady wins the race
B- Time and tide wait for none
C- A bad workman blames his tools
D- Where there is a will, there is a way

Ans- D

60] When did Douglas finally conquer his fear ?

A- When his instructor gave his approval
B- When he tried swimming alone at different places
C- When he was able to put his face under the water
D- None

Ans- B

61] Which statement aptly conveys the message of the story “Deep Water” ?

A- Fears are dangerous
B- Old fears return
C- Most fears are baseless
D- Fear confines and limits one’s scope

Ans- D

62] The water was still and the tiled bottom was as _________ and clean as a bath tub.

A- White 
B- Blue 
C- Black 
D- None 

Ans- A

63] With his hard work, Douglas had

A- conquered his fear of water
B- conquered Mount Everest
C- got a good job
D- None 

Ans- A

64] ‘Now you can swim’. These words were spoken by

A- Douglas’ father
B- teacher in school
C- Mother 
D- instructor

Ans- D

65] A rope was attached to

A- Douglas’ legs
B- Douglas’ arms
C- Douglas’ belt
D- None 

Ans- C

66] Every time Douglas attempted to go inside water, his legs would

A- be shaky
B- make him run
C- help him keep afloat
D- be paralyzed

Ans- D

67] When his feet would hit the bottom Douglas planned to

A- make a big jump
B- lie down
C- start his strokes
D- float

Ans- A

68] He tossed Douglas into the pool towards its

A- shallow end
B- middle
C- edge
D- deep end

Ans- D

69] The introduction to the Y.M.C.A swimming pool revived for Douglas

A- childhood fear of water
B- memories of a holiday at the beach
C- Both a and b 
D- None 

Ans- A

70] What plan did Douglas make to learn swimming ?

A- Planned to get an instructor
B- Planned to swim more
C- Planned to watch swimmers
D- Planned to jump

Ans- A


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